Today I tell you about Laser Hair Treatment. Laser Hair Treatment is not a new step in healing hair loss, this treatment is already know for almost 30 years, but only now it becomes safe and effective. Thirty years is a long time, but as you know to get high quality helpful product is very difficult work. Lots of doctors and scientists work together to discovered really effective way of treating thinning and damaged hair. They work in many different directions, one of such directions became laser hair treatment.
There are many questions according to this type of healing. Does it work? How much does it cost? Where to read reviews and how hair look like before and after laser therapy? Is it permanent? Is it safe? How long does it last? Is it possible to make it at home? Many people ask these questions trying to find out is it really helpful and when they see the result.
It's not a secret that it's very hard to repair hair loss, that's why so many doctors work on creating revolution product, which not only straiten your hair but also repair hair roots, stimulate them to start growing again. Such desire push scientist to start trying to use lasers came in hair loss therapy. For the first time laser was used about 30 year ago to speed up the healing processes. Why they started to use it. The answer is very simple. Everyone knows that sunlight affects on our organisms very strongly. We feel good and hearty if there are enough sunlight for us and we feel weak if we have the lack of it. It's just biochemistry, the same way sun affect to our hair, that's why they grow faster during summer time. So scientist found out that sunlight can make positive effect on out hair, and they started to use laser to prevent hair loss and cure thinning and damaged hair.
How does it work?
Laser hair healing is non-surgical method of hair loss healing and damaged hair repairing. It was invented about 30 year ago and actively tested all this time. There are lots of different tools and devices, which can help you with your problems. It can be professional device for hospital usage or it can be small comb-shaped device, which you can use by yourself at home. The difference between professional and home devices are noticeable, but they both make the same thing, they treat your hair make them stronger and healthier.
Each tool includes therapeutic soft low light level lasers, which deliver light energy directly from laser diodes covering your head. It works very simple, it is a photo-bio-stimulation, which means that laser light stimulates cell metabolism. After each procedure damaged cells start to repair themselves. So under the influence of the laser light, blood supply improves and it stimulate hair follicles that increases growth.
Laser therapy repairs hair and make them growth. But how to choose the right device among so wide choice of goods. This is several tips how to choose appropriate treatment. Let's start with quantity of diodes. The more number of diodes included into a laser device the better result it provides. If you decided to use professional procedures then you will get the best effect, because hospital devices are much more bigger and generally include the more lasers diodes. So when you will be sitting under such such device during each laser treatment you will get better result. For home usage there are many different compact devices, they look like a strange form comb or brush. To use it you need to brush your hair evenly during specified in instruction time. Always read an enclosed instruction before you start using any new tool. Also I strongly recommend you to ask your doctor which device is better to use, because there are lots of fake devices and low quality unknown tools. You need to use only high quality and well known products for a good result, otherwise it can be very dangerous for your hair.
How to use laser comb at home
If you don't want to spend lots of money on treating your hair in special salons, then it's better for you to try laser hair treatment at home. It's very simple and safe way to cure your damaged and thinning hair. All you need is laser comb, it a electronic device with lots of small diodes which provides special lighting. Usually you need to use such comb three times a week for 20 minutes, but for each individual comb treatment time can be different. Laser regrowth technology has a great success, but for each single person it need to choose specific course. And of course it's not a one week course, the entire treatment course can lasts about 6 months, but exact time can be determine only by specialist. Nowadays thousands of men and women use laser hair treatment all over the world to stop hair loss and improve the condition thinning and damaged hair.
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