In this post I want to tell you about how to prevent hair loss after pregnancy. But first of all let me congratulate you heartily. Of course hair loss is a problem and we will find a perfect treatment for it, but your baby is the most important and beautiful what can happen in this life. I suggest you don't worry to much about this small problem and enjoy your new life entirely.
Notice that if you are pregnant it doesn't mean that you will suffer from hair loss. It's very common myth that every woman will face this problem, but statistics says that only 40 – 50 percents of women need to think of some hair treatment to stop hair loss. Actually if you has such problem it doesn't mean that you need to buy some hair treatment. It just shows that you have some lack of vitamins, minerals which your organism share with your baby and also the hormones level. Usually after the delivery date you start losing your hair, but at the same time your organism start to rehabilitate itself and it lasts approximately during six, twelve months, after this it will be rehabilitated completely. So you can see how you hair start fall out, but the reason of it is very simple: during the pregnancy period hormones level is increased and cycle of hair renew is slowed, after delivery level of hormones starts to decrease very fast and finally it becomes very low. When it's very low you feel bad and sometimes you can be depressed and very very sad, your hair is also under attack, you start losing them, but it's not a point for panic. Very soon you level of hormones start normalizing and after three months it's almost completely normalized. You almost return to your normal life, after six months or a little bit later you are completely recovered and feel great. As you can see it's common process and nothing more. Don't be afraid, be positive and healthy. Stress and poor diet will damaged you, and make you and your baby unhappy, don't allow small problems to disturb your happy days. Now you know hair a bit about loss after pregnancy and how long does it last. Let's talk about how to treat and what to do to completely prevent this process.
Hair Loss After Pregnancy Treatment and Remedies
For those of you who don't want to see lots of hair on her comb and want to prevent hair loss tooth-and-nail, I prepared some helpful tips. Read through the next paragraph and learn how to treat your hair properly.
First of all always consult with your doctor, it's very important, especially this period of your life. Tell doctor everything what you are concerning about, ask any questions you have and don't be afraid. Remember you are now responsible not only for your life, but also for a life of your child and this is amazing feeling, new life need to be safe from any troubles. Take care of yourself and your baby, think not only for today's, but for next week and next month, don't do impulsive actions, always ask somebody for a help or advice. And this time when you are looking for the best hair loss treatment, don't do it by oneself, ask as many people as you can and then make a decision. In this case you will have less chance to make a mistake. So go to your doctor and ask him about hair loss problem, explain your situation and ask what is the best solution for you. Doctor select safe and natural hair loss products for your and tell you how to use it at home and what to do if something goes wrong.
Next advice related to your hairstyle. Try avoid complicated hairstyles and different hair devices, like irons and dryers. After the delivery your follicles are very sensitive you need to remember it, try to massage and use natural mask and don't make ponytails, waves and other things, it save you from losing a lot of hair. Massage your skin at least a couple minutes a day, it stimulate it and restore blood circulation.
A couple more tips hot to care of your hair. Always gently wash them with soft shampoo and use conditioner. Try dry them naturally without using hairdryer or use it on a cool settings. Eat healthy food. You need lots and different fruits and vegetables, nuts, olive oil and other products containing vitamins B, C, A, calcium and zinc. Brush your hair with large toothed comb. This is natural treatments, they are safe and helpful to prevent hair loss after pregnancy, take care of hair and good luck.
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