How to Apply Hair Treatment at Home

There are to so many different types of hair treatments. And the they all are well known and popular. It can be liquid, oily liquid, cream, mask, dry and non-invasive. Today I'll tell you about all of these hair treatments, and describe how to use them properly.

Let's start with liquid products. What it can be? To liquid remedies we consider such products as water-base balsams, herbal extracts, beer hair treatment and all other water-base mixtures. How to use them properly? Actually all these treatments are very different, but there are two main methods to apply them. The first method is the most fastest among all hair remedies, according to it we use liquid hair treatment as a rinser. Usually before you start rinse your hair, you need evenly wash them with soft shampoo and prepare for treating, use warm or lightly hot water to wash your hair. It opens pores and works perfectly to prepare your hair for healing with any nutritious or regenerative product. After using rinser, sometimes you need to rinse your hair with cool water or sometimes just dry it with towel. Remember one very important thing, when you use liquid hair treatment always use plastic bottle or bowl, don't take glass in a bathroom, you can accidentally drop it and hurt yourself. If you pour your mixture into a plastic bottle, you'll never be in dangerous, even if you let it fall. The second method applying liquid hair treatment is liniment, when you've prepare your remedy for procedure, start rubbing it in your skin, massage and brush your hair during procedure. Notice your skin need to be prepared for healing, you can do it by analogy with previous method. Also product should be warm, keep it in warm place at least several hours before you start applying it. Warm mixture is much more effective then cold one, because it's much more active. Cold product just close your hair pore and you won't get positive result after curing.

Next is oily-liquid products. These products are close by consistence with previous ones, but they are more dense and more rich. You can take any oil you want and create more useful and effective hair treatment extract by using the same components. Water-base extract is really good one of you want to treat your hair easy and fast, but if you have to get better result, then use oil-base products. Add the same herbs or vitamins and make oily extract with them. Applying such treatment consists from preparing hair for remedy, rubbing in mixture into skin and hair, wrapping head with a towel and waiting for it soaked into them. As you can see you besides liniment you also need to wait a couple hours to let it soak into hair. After such procedure wash your hair as always and use balsam and conditioner.

Creamy hair products and masks are almost identical for usage and resemble oil treatments. The big plus of such remedy is simpleness. It's much easier to apply cream on hair, it doesn't pour and perfectly stick to your head. Apply it step by step on each single piece of your head and along the full length of your hair. If you dye your hair, you probably know what I'm talking about. To provide the best result wrap your hair with plastic head or shower cap and wait for 30 minutes. If you use homemade treatment use, it takes approximately 20 – 40 minutes to complete the procedure, if you use professional hair treatment then read through the instruction and follow the rules described there. If you will do everything right you will be happy to see the result.

Dry heir remedy. Why I name it dry, it just because of you don't need to wet your hair at all. All you need is just your fingers, comb, it's better to use wooden comb. OK if you are ready, then choose the most appropriate time for this procedure. You can choose relaxing music and of course comfy sofa or whatever you want. Try to relax and think of something nice. Massage your skin with fingers or comb gently during five minutes. Try to massage all your head and neck and shoulders. Such method stimulate blood circulation and works very positive. Don't think that it will help you after one procedure, it's not a remedy it's preventive measures. After the procedure you also can spray you hair with special hairspray, there are lot's of sprays to choose from: strengthening, nutritious, regenerative and so on.

The last method is non-invasive hair treatment. This is very small group of products, mainly it's laser hair treatment. You can attend clinic and cure your hair loss there, or you can buy laser comb or other laser device and use it at home. It works identically, laser light stimulate hair follicles and blood circulation, as a result your hair start grow again more thick and fast.

This is all for today about different types of hair treatment and how to apply them at home. Look forward to tell you more about different remedies and hair beauty next time.

Why I Need to Treat My Hair

What is the best hair treatment for you? What product do you like to use to treat your hair? Nowadays there are tons of balsams, creams, masks and other hair products and procedures, but not all of them really helpful most are just very expensive and absolutely useless. How to find an effective, safe and natural product and why we have to search for any of them? Why our grand mothers and great grand mothers didn't need them? And why I need to treat my hair? We start to think of remedies only we have some serious problem, and in modern world almost every second woman has a hair problem, causes of it can be different but actions always the same – we start to looking how to solve the problem.

Today I tell you about how environment affect our hair and what we need to do to protect them from aggressive influence of it. It's actually affect our entire organism, but my blog is about healthy and beautiful hair and hair treatments, and I don't want to make it really unfocused. I like to share all my experience and all tips, guides, recipes and advices related to natural hair treatment products, that's why you don't find here information about animals or furniture or baby stuff, it's all about hair. And I think it's a great source dedicated only one problem and describing all the possible solutions.

Let's start with sun rays. Sun is very aggressive enemy of our locks. If our grand mothers never ever went outside without cap, we always walk bare-headed. It's very very bad, because sun is going to be more and more active every day and it affects everything with new power, that's why we need to use caps, hats, scarfs or umbrellas, all these things protect our head from overheating and our hair from drying. Sun drys everything around and you can notice yourself that your locks become lighter during summer time. In spite of bad effect it's also provide positive result, blood circulation and grow cycle increase during this time. So you can see that always there are positive and negative sides of any process, all we need is just to use it well and care of yourself.

Now let's look at the water which we use to drink and take a shower. There are lots of chlorine in the water and it definitely damaged our hair. Guess what is the place with the most big concentration of chlorine? Yes, right, it is swimming pool, that's why we need always wear swimming cap in pool, it protects our hair from chlorine. You can say that you don't swim in pool, you go to swim on a beach, but in this case salt is you enemy. If you go swim a few times a week, nothing wrong with it it's very helpful, but if you swash all day long every day, then you have to think about health of your hair. Hair become inflated from permanent contact with salt, they become porous and open to injury. Remember everything is good only when you use it right way and don't overdo.

Next modern problem and dangerous enemy of our hair is air. Yeah it sounds really strange, but it is not a joke. If you live in megapolis you can notice the smoke and smog, dredge and dust, it's not only hard to breathe, but it is also not good for your hair. Step by step small pieces and foul gas, exhaust and acid precipitation damage our hair, they make them fragile, thin and dry, finally they start to fall out and it is become a huge problem.

I just described a small part of all problems, but there are many other things to think about, food, drinks, hairstyles, and so on. All these products and procedures make us weaker and provoke hair loss. To prevent and avoid all of them we should start care of yourself, treat our hair and use natural hair remedies. Hair treatment is only the one thing that can help you to avoid all these problems. It cures and helps us to resist aggressive environment. Notice that not all products are helpful, many of them is just a big fake, try use natural and organic hair treatments and professional hair products. If you still have some doubt, you can ask your stylist why you need to treat your hair. A professional stylist knows everything about this question, he or she definitely will tell you what you need and how to use some products to keep your hair healthy and beautiful.

How to Prevent Hair Loss After Pregnancy

In this post I want to tell you about how to prevent hair loss after pregnancy. But first of all let me congratulate you heartily. Of course hair loss is a problem and we will find a perfect treatment for it, but your baby is the most important and beautiful what can happen in this life. I suggest you don't worry to much about this small problem and enjoy your new life entirely.

Notice that if you are pregnant it doesn't mean that you will suffer from hair loss. It's very common myth that every woman will face this problem, but statistics says that only 40 – 50 percents of women need to think of some hair treatment to stop hair loss. Actually if you has such problem it doesn't mean that you need to buy some hair treatment. It just shows that you have some lack of vitamins, minerals which your organism share with your baby and also the hormones level. Usually after the delivery date you start losing your hair, but at the same time your organism start to rehabilitate itself and it lasts approximately during six, twelve months, after this it will be rehabilitated completely. So you can see how you hair start fall out, but the reason of it is very simple: during the pregnancy period hormones level is increased and cycle of hair renew is slowed, after delivery level of hormones starts to decrease very fast and finally it becomes very low. When it's very low you feel bad and sometimes you can be depressed and very very sad, your hair is also under attack, you start losing them, but it's not a point for panic. Very soon you level of hormones start normalizing and after three months it's almost completely normalized. You almost return to your normal life, after six months or a little bit later you are completely recovered and feel great. As you can see it's common process and nothing more. Don't be afraid, be positive and healthy. Stress and poor diet will damaged you, and make you and your baby unhappy, don't allow small problems to disturb your happy days. Now you know hair a bit about loss after pregnancy and how long does it last. Let's talk about how to treat and what to do to completely prevent this process.

Hair Loss After Pregnancy Treatment and Remedies

For those of you who don't want to see lots of hair on her comb and want to prevent hair loss tooth-and-nail, I prepared some helpful tips. Read through the next paragraph and learn how to treat your hair properly.

First of all always consult with your doctor, it's very important, especially this period of your life. Tell doctor everything what you are concerning about, ask any questions you have and don't be afraid. Remember you are now responsible not only for your life, but also for a life of your child and this is amazing feeling, new life need to be safe from any troubles. Take care of yourself and your baby, think not only for today's, but for next week and next month, don't do impulsive actions, always ask somebody for a help or advice. And this time when you are looking for the best hair loss treatment, don't do it by oneself, ask as many people as you can and then make a decision. In this case you will have less chance to make a mistake. So go to your doctor and ask him about hair loss problem, explain your situation and ask what is the best solution for you. Doctor select safe and natural hair loss products for your and tell you how to use it at home and what to do if something goes wrong.

Next advice related to your hairstyle. Try avoid complicated hairstyles and different hair devices, like irons and dryers. After the delivery your follicles are very sensitive you need to remember it, try to massage and use natural mask and don't make ponytails, waves and other things, it save you from losing a lot of hair. Massage your skin at least a couple minutes a day, it stimulate it and restore blood circulation.

A couple more tips hot to care of your hair. Always gently wash them with soft shampoo and use conditioner. Try dry them naturally without using hairdryer or use it on a cool settings. Eat healthy food. You need lots and different fruits and vegetables, nuts, olive oil and other products containing vitamins B, C, A, calcium and zinc. Brush your hair with large toothed comb. This is natural treatments, they are safe and helpful to prevent hair loss after pregnancy, take care of hair and good luck.

Beer Hair Treatment

Today I'm going to tell you about Beer Hair Treatment. Yes, for those of you who never ever heard about such type of hair treatment, it sounds really strange, but for the rest of us, it's just a great method to make hair shiny and repair damaged pieces.

Now let's discuss how beer treats our hair. First of all different types of beer have pretty different effect applying on hair. There is now critical difference, but it's like your preferences, sometime your prefer light and sometime dark. The choice depends on what effect we want to achieve by the procedure. If the target is shiny, soft hair then it's better to choose a can with sugar in it, if we want to strengthen and feed then I recommend traditional and old ones. When you know which one to choose, it's time to understand how does it work. This product is very helpful as a hair treatment, because it consists of very useful for hair proteins and nutrients. It starts to work immediately after the application, but one procedure it's not enough for perfect result. As any other natural and organic hair treatment, that doesn't harm your hair and can be used as many times as you want, this one needs to be used regularly. If you want to have beautiful, healthy and silky hair, then you need to understand that you have to take care of them regularly, treat them, massage, feed, brush and so on. One accidental treatment doesn't make magic, it definitely helps, but it's just not enough. Every day work during months and years is exactly what you need. So don't be afraid it doesn't take long time if you know what to do. It should become a habit for you like wash your face at the morning or brush your teeth. Remember the better you care about your self the better result you will get.

It's time to find out how to use our new a little bit unusual for treating product. Take a can or bottle of bear and pour it into plastic glass or bowl. You need to wait for two hour before you can start use it. After two hours it became warm and flat, it's necessary to make it flat before applying. Next step is washing your hair, do you as usually do, shampoo and rinse, don't use conditioner or balsam, because we are going to treat hair with natural product this time. After your rinsed hair, pour beer over them, try to cover the entire head with it. Massage and rub your skin and hair during five minutes to soak it into your locks and provide the best effect. Now you can wash your head and use your favorite conditioner to escape unpleasant scent. That's it. Dry you hair with towel and brush them. As I always tell, try to make wooden comb your favorite one, this natural material provides the best result during brushing.

Look at the mirror or just touch your locks, they became soft and shiny exactly like healthy hair look. Repeat this procedure several times a week or once a week if you use some other remedies. Very soon you will see a nice progress, and not only you, all your friends and just people in a street start looking at you, because beauty is always health and neatness.

This is how Beer Hair Treatment works. I hope you enjoy this recipe and see you next time.

What is the Best Hair Treatment - Part 2

Yesterday I didn't finish my post What is the Best Hair Treatment - Part 1, because it's really long story and complicated situation. You need to know lots of thing before you can choose your best hair treatment. I told you about natural dry hair remedies, vitamin banana-avocado mask, mayonnaise cream and egg mask, and today I want to continue share my favorite recipes. I'm going to tell you about such hair treatments as natural remedy for damaged hair and how to cure split ends. Lets start with damaged hair, I suppose it's the most common problem of modern people, women and men as well.

Natural homemade hair recipes for damaged hair

You discovered that your hair became fragile and wiry, these are the first two symptoms of damaged hair. The causes of it can be different, too often dyeing, bleaching, hair iron and hair dryer. All these procedures damaged your hair, but you don't notice it after the first time, except bleaching. Bleaching affect your hair and head skin, and it's enough one applying to damage your hair. All other actions affect your hair slowly but surely. And if you won't start to treat them, the result will be unpleasant very soon. But what type of hair treatment to choose? I recommend you to start with very simple homemade remedies, they are easy to prepare and apply.

Oil hair treatment

Use such method at least three times a week during two months, after that you can decrease this number. You don't need to prepare a mixture, all you need is to get olive oil or linseed-oil or burdock oil. All these liquids you can find in local store or chemist's shop, also it can be different combinations of oil and herbs. Read the label and choose the most appropriate one. Herbs are very helpful and they all make different things, they can soften head skin or return natural shine or something else. The main element is oil, it's a great source of nutrients that feed our hair making them stronger and healthier. How to oil hair properly? Take oil (it should be warm) and apply it along the full length of your hair and head skin, massage your skin, you also can use wooden comb to brush your hair, it's very helpful, because it stimulates blood circulation. Wrap your head with plastic bag and wait for 40 – 60 minutes. I actually like to leave it for a night for much better result, but in this case use a towel. Plastic bag doesn't allow your skin to breath and it's not very healthy for it. You still can use plastic bag for your locks but leave some space for your skin to breath. Next step is washing your hair, it's very oily and you need to shampoo them two or may be three times. Use soft shampoo and balsam, after that dry your hair natural way, don't use hair dryer. Now you can enjoy the results, your hair became silky and soft, they look shiny and healthy. Of course such hair treatment takes long time, but it's worth it.

There are many other methods of healing damaged hair, but this one really works and it's my favorite. You don't need to spend lots of money, just a bottle of oil and a little efforts. Next recipe helps you to treat split ends.

How to cure split ends

Split ends is one of the most common problems. You are trying to grow long healthy hair, but they just start to split and finally you have to cut them of. Now they look OK, and you try to grow them again, but split ends appear again in a couple of weeks. How to solve it, how to grow long beautiful hair? There are several methods which definitely help you. But let's start with the beginning. First of all go to hair salon and cut your hair with hot scissors, it's very common procedure which knits together your hair ends, now we have a good start to continue with. Now you can start to apply masks, massage and treat your hair actively. You can try professional hair treatments or home made one, your target is to feed them very good before Hair Lamination. Next step is lamination, but this one is not necessary, you can do it or not, but I suggest you to try it at least one time. Hair Lamination is a process of applying a special composition (micro film that protects the hair from split ends and damage) to your hair, they look shining and smooth. Hair Lamination doesn’t harm the hair in any way, so you can repeat it many times. As you can see it's very helpful, because it blocks the leak of vitamins, proteins and moisture from the hair. And last step, continue to use masks, balsams and special shampoos, treat and cure your hair, don't be lazy, you will get the perfect result. When your hair is nourished and protected from outside damage and vitamins and proteins leakage, they start to grow naturally and fast. And next time when somebody ask you how to grow long beautiful hair, you will be able to tell you own story of success.

And again this is just a small part of all the great recipes and hair treatments. I'm sure that it will be part 3 describing the best hair treatment. I still have lots of helpful methods to tell. So take care of your hair and see you next time.

What is the Best Hair Treatment - Part 1

Looking for the best hair treatment? don't know which on to choose? It's very common situation when you are gung-ho, but don't sure where to start. So read through the post and you will know what is the best hair treatment nowadays. I'm going to discuss here all the most popular methods of healing hair and natural products. You part is read, learn and choose which one is the most appropriate for you. So let's begin our today's journey into the world of beautiful and healthy locks.

First of all let's find out what is your type of hair and what is your problem. It is very important to understand all nuances before you start to do something with your locks at home, especially it's important to check everything 7 times before applying something on your head. Why I'm so anxious about it? The cause is very obvious, if you have no experience, if you don't have appropriate skills, if you don't know what are you doing – you can easily damaged your hair and then you spend lots of money and time just to return its original look. So make yourself a favor, be sure that you do everything right.

There are a few main hair types dry, oily and normal and what type of hair treatment you will be use depends on your type of hair. But it's only one side of classification, the other side is texture of locks, it can be straight, wavy, curly and kinky. This part is also significant for choosing hair remedies. And finally the color and thickness, generally we can divide all men and women on blonds, brunets and red haired persons. Each single person from each category can have thick or thin hair, but statistics shows us that blonds usually have thin and bush hair, red ones thick and sparse hair and brunets are in the middle of this scale.

How to figure out your hair type

Let's make a simple experiment and find out your type, it will help us to choose the best hair treatment for your locks. You don't need any special products or knowledge to test it. Go to a shower and wash your head as usual, do everything what you always do. Dry, brush and have fun with your clean hair all day. Next day is a test day. Take a comb and part yours hair, take a tissue paper and touch your head skin with it, that's it. Now it's time to investigate your tissue. Look at the paper, if it has an oil spot then you hair type is normal; if there is now any spots at all, then it is definitely dry; if you bend paper and its edges stick to each other then your hair type is oily. Yes, it's very simple and free. Now you know your type and it's time to find out your curly level.

All the time when somebody look at a girl or a boy, he can say just – she has curly hair or he has straight hair. In actual fact there are many different types or levels that I'm going to tell you now. The first and the most obvious one is straight hair, it's very simple and everyone can recognize it. Next type is wavy hair, it has shape of the letter "S". They can be fine and very easy to handle, which means that you can easily straightened or curled them. They also can be medium-textured and a bit resistant to styling, then they definitely has a tendency to frizz. And the third subtype is thick and coarse, these ones frizz easily. Next species is curly hair, they are well-defined and springy. They are naturally big and very shiny. Next one is curly kinky, they can be very tightly curled, with many strands densely packed together. And the last one you probably already know is kinky hair - very tightly coiled, very wiry and very fragile. Now you can see how many different types exist and how difficult to choose the best hair treatment for each of them. It's difficult to select a remedy, because each single situation is unique and each single case needs suitable complex and balanced treatment.
Look at your reflection in a mirror, run out small experiment and tell me what type of hair do you have? If you can determine it by yourself from the first time, then you are ready for the next step. Congratulations you became one more step closer to beautiful locks.

Now I'm going to list all hair recipes: for natural black hair, for dry hair, for split ends, for damaged and curly hair. Don't miss them, because they are natural and safe for you.

Natural dry hair remedies

Banana-Avocado Mask

Take one black (over-ripe) banana and smash it, add one avocado and mix all together properly. Apply the mixture on wet hair and massage your skin. Wait for 20 minutes and rinse with water.

Mayonnaise Cream

Take a cup of mayo and heat up it until it becomes oily. Apply it on dry unwashed hair and leave for 20 minutes, after that shampoo your head. It's only the one type of remedy, you can find more mayonnaise hair treatments in one of my previous posts.

Egg Mask

Take one egg and separate white from yolk. Whip white. Blend yolk with one spoon of water. Mix white and yolk together. Apply cream on wet head and massage your skin evenly until mixture soaks into your hair. Wash the rest of cream with cool water.

All these methods are very simple and effective, they make your hair soft and silky. It's just short recipes, but if you want you can read how to treat dry hair at home – detailed step by step instruction how to prepare and use natural products.

I also want to tell you about How to cure split ends and Natural hair recipes for damaged hair, but it's going to be really long story, so I decided to write the rest recipes in my next post. So the trip in search of the best hair treatment continues, see you soon and take care of yourself.

How to Use Mayonnaise Hair Treatment

Today we are going investigate one more natural ingredient that help us treat our hair – mayonnaise. Mayonnaise Hair Treatment is very popular and one of the most common treatment for damaged, dry and hair with lice. It's actually natural and inexpensive conditioner for your hair. It's very important to use conditioner after each washing, but high quality professional hair treatments are very expensive and you spend all your money just because you don't know this little secret. Mayonnaise is perfect product which repair and strengthen your hair, it makes them elastic and bring natural shine. Start use this treatment at least several times a week and you will see the result very soon.

How to Do and How to Use Mayonnaise Hair Treatment

There are lots ways how to treat your hair with help of mayonnaise jar at home. I created a list of recipes that are very popular among women. This list has a name, description and short instruction how to prepare and use each single hair treatment. Let's add some taste to our head. Many of you think of such product as stinking and sticky thing, but the real specialists already know that is very great, safe and natural method to treat hair.

There are many different types of mayonnaise how do I know which one to choose? I recommend you to choose jars including olive oil and the ones which have less percentage of vinegar, such products are the most helpful and safeness.

For the first recipe you don't need anything but mayonnaise. Let's use it as a perfect conditioner for hair. Wash your head with soft shampoo or any other type of shampoo that you usually use. Wrap you hair in a towel and dry them a bit. Notice they are warm and wet, the perfect condition to start using treatment. Take two table spoons of mayonnaise and apply them on your head and along the full length of your hair. During the process you find out by yourself how much you need to coat your hair entirely. If you have long hair you need some more amount of cream and for short hair it's enough just one table spoon, just try it once and you will become a master, there is nothing difficult here. Now wrap a plastic bag around your hair and also you can use your towel to provide more warm. We need this warm to get the best effect from this procedure. It has to deep down to your hair to cure them. Wait for 15 – 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly. That's it. Dry your hair natural way and you will see the result immediately, your hair became soft, shiny and silky. It's also very easy to brush them and make different hair styles.

Now when you know how to treat your hair with mayonnaise at home, it's time to learn more tips and tricks. We are going to add various organic ingredients to provide more effect to each healing. The effect depends on which ingredient you are going to add. For example, if you add honey then you can cure split ends, avocado helps you to repair vitamin balance and apple vinegar cure a dandruff. As you can see it's very easy and cheap to care about your hair at home. All the ingredients you can find in your refrigerator and all you need is just a small amount of each of them.

Avocado and mayonnaise hair treatment

Like I said avocado is a great source of vitamins and elements, you can use it by its own or in combination with different products to cure your hair. It's very helpful when you want to bring back to life damaged and dry hair. How to prepare such treatment? You need to a half of fresh avocado and a cup of mayonnaise, that's it. Ripe avocado divide in half and mash one part with a fork or you can use mixer for it. Add mayonnaise and mix it evenly. The mixture is ready for applying. Use it the same way as I described in previous paragraph, wash hair with warm water and dry them a bit with a towel, then apply treatment, wrap your head with plastic bag and a towel and wait for 30 minutes. After that rinse your hair and you are done. After the first applying your will see the effect, hair will become really soft and healthy.

Egg and mayonnaise hair treatment

This recipe is almost the same as previous one, but in this case we use 3 egg yolks instead of a half of avocado. Such mask is very helpful for healing fragile hair, because eggs make them elastic and flexible, it's also make them strong and healthy. So grab a cup of mayonnaise and add 3 egg yolks, mix ingredients evenly and the treatment is ready for applying. Apply the mask on your hair, especially on roots and damaged ends, massage your head skin and wrap it in towel. Leave it for and rinse with cold water, don't shampoo it, just wash it properly. You can shampoo your head in the next day, and you let the rest of ingredients to soak into your hair and treat them.

Mayonnaise hair treatment for lice

The last one recipe is about how to get rid of lice, yes this product also is very helpful to remove and prevent head lice. Remember that you always can use natural products to treat lice as well. To prepare such mixture you need just one product, and yes you already know what I'm talking about. Apply it on your hair evenly, it has to cover each piece of your hair to prevent lice escape. Then wrap your head and leave mask for 2 – 3 hours, yes it's pretty long time, but we need it to get rid of head lice completely. And yes it works really well, it removes lice effective and safe for you. After the procedure, rinse your hair and remove lice eggs from your hair with a nit comb. That's it. Check your head every day during two weeks to be prevent lice return and of course repeat the . If nits reappear, repeat Mayonnaise Hair Treatment if need it.

I hope you enjoy this little tricks and feel free to comment below if you have any questions. Also check back soon for more hair treatment recipes and reviews, good luck.

Brazilian Keratin Hair Treatment

Do you have dry or frizzy hair, want to smooth it and make silky, then try new innovation Brazilian Keratin Hair Treatment that turn dry, frizzy hair into smooth, silky ones. Women are really strange creatures, yes that's true. And I tell you that not trying to offend you or hurt your feelings, I'm a women too and I just tell about all of us and myself. We are really strange, today we want curly hair and tomorrow straight long ones, next day we want short hair cunt and soon we will hate it, we dye our hair fast enough to damage them, and try to repair and treat them every day. Yes it's all about us and I like it, because I can change my look, I can change everything, one day I'm romantic charming lady and another I'm dragon business woman.

That's why I decided to make a review on new Brazilian hair treatment. This product claims that it make your locks silky and smooth after the first applying for a long time, so let's try it by ourselves and find out all the advantages and disadvantages of this straightening hair treatment. I'm going to describe applying of this product step by step and how it turns frizzy locks. Let's begin and find out does it really worth something or it's just one more scam, is it safe or we can expect damaged skin and hair roots? Many questions are waiting to be solved, no delay any more.

You decided to straighten your locks and are choosing hair salon. I recommend you to go to the one you've already well know or heard good reviews. You also can ask your friends which salon they prefer, it really helps you, because it's a big risk to go to unknown place. OK, salon and day are chosen, you are ready to meet your master. Tell him or her everything what you are concerning about, it helps to avoid negative consequences, may be you need some dry or damaged hair treatment before you start the main procedure, if not just go ahead and try to relax and prepare your self for new amazing look. Specialist washes your hair with special professional shampoo to prepare them for straightening. After that she brushes your hair and mixes Keratin cream, when it's ready she applies it on your head to coat everything. It's time to turn over the pages of high fashion magazines. You have twenty minutes to learn what is fashionable for this season, new ways to look younger, new fresh hair styles and colors, gorgeous clips and modern hair dryers, irons and other devices. Everything that can entertain you during the waiting time. I also suggest you to use more effective and ask master about new professional hair treatment products and especially find out hour Brazilian Keratin hair treatment works. It answer all you question with pleasure and explain all the benefits of new technology. It's not that easy to cure thinning and split hair as you can think, it's need rich experience, professional products and great skills, and good specialist has all these points, you just need to find such one, and then you will be happy every time when you visit him. Twenty minutes is over and the most interesting part starts, I also need to warn you that it's really long procedure, it takes about three hours, and you will feel like it longs more than a week, I'm just kidding, everything depends on you even if you have to wait all day long you can turn this day into the most interesting and positive day of your life, just think of your new look, your dream is becoming alive, just a little bit patience and you will got want you want all your life, beautiful, smooth and silky hair. Meanwhile specialist start to blow your hair, it helps to seal the Keratin treatment in. It's very important, because you always need to keep an instruction rules otherwise the result will be different and even not the one which you expected. When Keratin product sealed into your hair it's time to straight them with a special iron. One by one all small lock parts will be ironed carefully and evenly. You just can relax and dream of everything you will do with your new hair style, may be you will go out for dinner tonight or call you friends to tell about your new look or go shopping and buy new scarf or cap or clip, ah there are so many thing to do, especially when you have a great mood and like your reflection in a mirror.

Finally the treatment is over and you can start to get used your new hair style. But wait, there is one more very important thing to do. You need carefully look after your locks. Brazilian Keratin hair treatment straighten your hair, but you need to follow some rules to save the result. Don't use shampoo which contains sodium, you also need to avoid, brush, clip and get wet your hair usually for five days. Yes it's really difficult, but if want Keratin to seal in you need to be ready for all of these. It means no shower, no sport, no rain, no heat, no sunglasses and clips and many many others nos. Yeah, sound awful but it worth it, because after the day five you can wash your hair and they still will be smooth. The effect lasts about three months, after that you need to repeat the procedure again.

One more important thing be carefully with products which contain formaldehyde or other chemicals, they can be very dangerous and can lead to cancer, always read the labels before starting to use one or another product. That's it about Brazilian Keratin hair treatment, if you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to comment below.

Grey Hair Treatment

Today's post is all about Grey Hair Treatment. If you think that this problem concerns only old men and women, then you are totally wrong. Because nowadays lots of young people are looking for effective grey hair treatment. Why do young people start greying? There are lots of different causes of greying, the most common one is still middle age, but we also can add stress, smoking, tension, poor diet and etc. There are lots of negative factors in modern life which damaged not only our hair but our entire body and we help them a lot by eating junk food, smoking, we also are under pressure at work every day, stress and tiredness accumulated by our body and as a result we have grey hair and depression.

How to prevent consequences of intensive life, how to stop balding and greying, which grey hair treatment to choose? First of all I recommend you to start from changing your every day schedule, plan everything that can be planned, starting from wake up time and ending of time to bed. Organize yourself, eat and drink only natural products, balance your diet, because vitamins and minerals is a source for our bodies and our hair as well. Grey hair is a result of a lack of color, when our hair cells can't produce enough melanin, hair become colorless or grey,that's why melanin is so important for them. Generally decreasing of melanin starts from forty years old approximately, but it's just statistics. What we really see in the real life is many young men and women fighting with greying. The fastest grey hair hiding is coloring or dyeing, it's actually not a treatment, but it works just right after the using, that's why many people all around the world dye their hair again and again. But like I said it's not a treatment at all, you don't cure your hair you just hide grey hair under the layers of color, which are actually can be dangerous for your head skin. Dyeing drys your skin and make your hair thinning and it's also a cause of split ends. If you start to use dyeing to often you more damage your hair than hide greying. Finally you will get the complete box of problem, which will need complex professional hair treatment. So think of it and try natural grey hair healing firstly.

How to treat grey hair naturally

There are many different natural products which are safe for you and your hair. Start using them and do it regularly and soon you will see the positive effect will come up.

First of all I recommend you all types of oil masks, they are very effective and safe. Mix and try different type of oil to treat you hair, if you will do it regularly you will definitely solve the greying problem.
Another natural treatment that you can try to recover the original hair color is sage tea. Boil tea leaves and let them cool down. After that use the tea to applying it on your hair along the full length. Wait till your hair become dry and then wash it with water, do not' shampoo it. You can use such treatment every week till you get the desired color. Yes it's not make your hair naturally recover they color, it's an analog of chemical dyeing, but it's organic way, it's safe and almost the same way effective. And it doesn't damage your skin.

And again don't forget our favorite massage, it's really helpful, you can do it every day just a bit. Such procedure repair blood circulation and bring nutrients to follicles.

Also remember our favorite vitamins which help us much to treat hair.
First of all vitamin A. You find it in green and orange vegetables and fruits. The best source of vitamin A is carrot, but don't eat it alone, always add some olive oil to it. Vitamin A makes your hair healthy and bring natural shine to them.

Next is vitamin B. It's contained into fresh vegetables, liver, bananas and different types of cereals. This vitamin regulates the oil secretion and makes your hair elastic and strong.

You also will need calcium, omega 3 and vitamin C. You find them in citruses, fish, nut and so on. You can find the complete list of products and vitamins in nearest book shop. I also will add the table with them a little bit later.

If you don't have grey hair then don't think that it's going on to continue forever, sooner or later everyone will become grey. Just be positive, try to avoid stress, eat healthy, use natural grey hair treatment and you could delay the process of graying.

Hair Loss Treatment for Women

This article I want to devote hair loss treatment for women. Yes, dear beautiful women, this post is dedicated to each of you and all the tips of hair loss treatment related to women hair. I want to tell you here that there are tons of different ways to repair and strengthen our hair. Among all described methods below you will find natural, organic hair treatment, various masks and creams, homemade treatment, laser therapy, professional products and many many other sources which help actually not only women, but men as well. Let's look at all methods in brief terms.

Types of Hair Loss Treatments

  1. The first method I want to tell you is very simple and save for all of you and any hair condition. It's organic procedure with using only natural products and ingredients. I'd like to name it natural hair treatment. So we are going to prepare special feeding for our hair. The most effective and quick is egg hair treatment. To prepare such mask you need to mix a couple of eggs, two table spoon of honey and one table spoon of olive oil. Mix all ingredients evenly and it's ready for applying. Start to apply small amount of fresh cream to your head, massage and brush your hair with wide spaced comb. After that wrap your head with a towel and wait for 30 minutes, this time is enough for good feeding you hair. If you do all thing right, then you will see the result after the first application. Massage is a very good procedure for your head skin, it stimulates blood circulation and other products treat your damaged hair with minerals and vitamins. They cure split ends and make your hair more elastic. This is great natural hair treatment, which takes only one hour for all procedure: preparing, applying, waiting and washing. Very easy and quick and you don't need to have any special skills or experience, just a few products from your refrigerator and one small secret make your hair feel better. Easy, cheap and quick. You need to apply such mask at least two times a week during three months. But if you want to have healthy and beautiful hair all your long life, then take this simple recipe as a rule and use it regularly, it's not so much to do, but the result is amazing, especially after a long usage. Besides egg mask, you also can try olive oil, chocolate and coconut masks, they are also very simple to prepare and pleasure to use.

  2. The next great way to cure your women hair is herbal therapy. This type of treatment is based on using herbs and herbal tinctures. The idea is almost the same like in previous situation you rub it into your head skin and massage it at the same time. The difference is only in products, if in the first method we prepare masks at home, in this case you need to get some special tinctures in chemist's shop. There are many various tinctures to choose from and each of them is suitable for each single problem. To avoid undesirable after-effects always consult with your hairdresser or specialist. You also can use both these methods together one after another to achieve better result. Both these types of hair treatment is natural and products made this way don't contain any chemical things inside. So you can be sure that they are safe for you. The only one thing can prevent you from using some of these treatments: it's an allergy to some ingredient included into a product, that's why you always need to read an instruction and application sheet.

  3. You also can try taking pills. Dear women before you start taking medicine, I'd like to tell you that it's unsafe method of hair repairing and you need to think out it very well before you make a decision. It can be very dangerous for you health, especially if you start take unknown low quality pills. I recommend you to discuss all the problems with your doctor and ask him to advice you medicine. I don't try to dissuade you from this type of healing, but I want to let you know beforehand about all the danger of such treatment. There are very positive results of such healing and it definitely works for some of us, but there are also lots of negative results. Somebody can say you that it's just vitamins, what can be wrong with vitamins. But vitamins can't help you at all, and other chemicals included in such pills can hurt you. Remember that only a few percents of chemicals vitamins absorb by our organism, the rest of it just don't. So if your doctor suggest you to use such treatment you can try it, but don't try use it by yourself, be smart.

  4. According to point number three I want to add point number four. This one is about how to treat hair loss for women with help of balanced diet. Yes, one of the most common causes of hair loss is poor diet. When you try keeping to a diet, you damage you cells, and head cells at the first time. Cells become very sick and weak because of lack of vitamins and elements. You have to care about your body and don't torment it with diet. Stop it immediately and schedule a good balanced diet for yourself. It should include fresh fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat and other products full if vitamins A, C, E and calcium. Don't forget about omega 3 vitamins they are very helpful for our cells. We are what we eat, so be careful and eat smart.

  5. If you try all four previous points and it just doesn't work for you, then I can tell you about one more non-surgery way, it called laser hair treatment. It's became very popular nowadays and many people are using it trying to solve their problems of thinning or damaged hair, or even balding. The idea of such treatment is using laser light to stimulate hair follicles and improve blood circulation. There two ways to start use it. One way is to attend special course of laser therapy in clinic and another way is start to use special device called laser comb at home. The difference of two methods consists from two parts, hair growth effect and cost. If you will buy clinic course you spend much more money, but you will also get much better effect. And if you buy laser comb it will cost you less money, but an effect is also not so good as in the first case. So you need to make a decision and choose the most appropriate method of curing hair for you. I only notice one thing, if you decide to buy laser comb, then be careful don't buy fake device, it costs cheaper, but it doesn't contain laser diodes, instead of it, in has LEDs that are useless for hair loss treatment.

  6. The last one method I want to tell you a surgery. If all previous procedures don't work for you then you still can solve your problem by surgery. It's the most expensive and the most dangerous way, but it's also the most effective one. This type of hair treatment is very specific for each single customer and I can't tell a lot about it, I just can say that you need to find very good and professional doctor with lots of positive responses and great experience. Such skilled specialist will tell you everything and suggest the most safe way for you, all you need is just follow the instructions and wait for good results.

Any way be positive, healthy life-style, healthy food and fresh air help you to win this battle. It will be even better if you have big family and good friends that can support you. Stress doesn't help you at all, but it can make thing worse. Just a small smile every day help us to be stronger. I hope these little tips about hair loss treatment for women help you a bit and good luck.

Laser Hair Treatment

Today I tell you about Laser Hair Treatment. Laser Hair Treatment is not a new step in healing hair loss, this treatment is already know for almost 30 years, but only now it becomes safe and effective. Thirty years is a long time, but as you know to get high quality helpful product is very difficult work. Lots of doctors and scientists work together to discovered really effective way of treating thinning and damaged hair. They work in many different directions, one of such directions became laser hair treatment.

There are many questions according to this type of healing. Does it work? How much does it cost? Where to read reviews and how hair look like before and after laser therapy? Is it permanent? Is it safe? How long does it last? Is it possible to make it at home? Many people ask these questions trying to find out is it really helpful and when they see the result.

It's not a secret that it's very hard to repair hair loss, that's why so many doctors work on creating revolution product, which not only straiten your hair but also repair hair roots, stimulate them to start growing again. Such desire push scientist to start trying to use lasers came in hair loss therapy. For the first time laser was used about 30 year ago to speed up the healing processes. Why they started to use it. The answer is very simple. Everyone knows that sunlight affects on our organisms very strongly. We feel good and hearty if there are enough sunlight for us and we feel weak if we have the lack of it. It's just biochemistry, the same way sun affect to our hair, that's why they grow faster during summer time. So scientist found out that sunlight can make positive effect on out hair, and they started to use laser to prevent hair loss and cure thinning and damaged hair.

How does it work?

Laser hair healing is non-surgical method of hair loss healing and damaged hair repairing. It was invented about 30 year ago and actively tested all this time. There are lots of different tools and devices, which can help you with your problems. It can be professional device for hospital usage or it can be small comb-shaped device, which you can use by yourself at home. The difference between professional and home devices are noticeable, but they both make the same thing, they treat your hair make them stronger and healthier.

Each tool includes therapeutic soft low light level lasers, which deliver light energy directly from laser diodes covering your head. It works very simple, it is a photo-bio-stimulation, which means that laser light stimulates cell metabolism. After each procedure damaged cells start to repair themselves. So under the influence of the laser light, blood supply improves and it stimulate hair follicles that increases growth.

Laser therapy repairs hair and make them growth. But how to choose the right device among so wide choice of goods. This is several tips how to choose appropriate treatment. Let's start with quantity of diodes. The more number of diodes included into a laser device the better result it provides. If you decided to use professional procedures then you will get the best effect, because hospital devices are much more bigger and generally include the more lasers diodes. So when you will be sitting under such such device during each laser treatment you will get better result. For home usage there are many different compact devices, they look like a strange form comb or brush. To use it you need to brush your hair evenly during specified in instruction time. Always read an enclosed instruction before you start using any new tool. Also I strongly recommend you to ask your doctor which device is better to use, because there are lots of fake devices and low quality unknown tools. You need to use only high quality and well known products for a good result, otherwise it can be very dangerous for your hair.

How to use laser comb at home

If you don't want to spend lots of money on treating your hair in special salons, then it's better for you to try laser hair treatment at home. It's very simple and safe way to cure your damaged and thinning hair. All you need is laser comb, it a electronic device with lots of small diodes which provides special lighting. Usually you need to use such comb three times a week for 20 minutes, but for each individual comb treatment time can be different. Laser regrowth technology has a great success, but for each single person it need to choose specific course. And of course it's not a one week course, the entire treatment course can lasts about 6 months, but exact time can be determine only by specialist. Nowadays thousands of men and women use laser hair treatment all over the world to stop hair loss and improve the condition thinning and damaged hair.

Thinning Hair Treatment

What is the best thinning hair treatment for your particular case. I can definitely say that most cases are very similar and if you will treat your hair regularly then you will see improvement very soon. The main thing is too choose the most appropriate treatment for your thinning hair.
What is so wrong with thin hair. If you have such one you don't need any explanation at all you perfectly know all the problems. When you brush your hair, there are lots of them on your brush, they are very brittle with split ends, you can't create beautiful hairstyles and can't use hairdryers and dye them. Your head look like a dandelion flower, sometimes there are very serious situations when you even can see bald spots. This is awful, especially if you are a young girl or woman. But don't panic, there is no insoluble situations, you just need a good advice of hair specialist and professional thinning hair treatment.

There are many different causes of this problem, but the most common are poor diet, when your body has a lack of vitamins, stress, yes it's really can become a cause of thinning hair, aggressive environment, it includes not only sun ray and water damage, but also various pollutions of air and food, dyeing and bleaching, medication also can damage your hair. All this causes are very dangerous and without special treatment you can's resist them. As a result is much more stress related to hair loss, you start to feel yourself uncomfortable, embarrassed and confused. It can affect a professional sphere, social sphere and you even can stop meet friends and start to meet with difficulties in your own family. Some people actually can get over the difficulty, but only very strong persons can do that, most of us just become very sad and frustrated and can move ahead because they are ruined by reality. Such people need our support very bad. Even one good word can make a magic, so don't leave your friends and support them if they need it and then they never forget your help and will be glad to help you to any time.

Treatments for thinning hair

The first treatment I want to tell you seems very obvious, but not many of us understand that. This is an amazing solution not only for thinning hair problem, but also lots of other problems as well. I'm talking about balanced diet, yes I told you that is very simple, all you need is just to work out special menu and follow your schedule. It should be very complex and full of vitamins food. Notice that your new diet have to include omega-3 fatty acids and biotin. You find these in such products like salmon, nuts, soybeans, liver, eggs and others. Always discuss it with your doctor or at least if the problem not so serious with dietitian and hairdresser.

Next step is using professional products as a thinning hair treatment. If you use poor quality shampoo, stop it immediately, you damage your hair and make things much worse. Try use high quality products which contain such ingredients biotin and silica. They are very good for thin hair, because they rebuild the structure of each hair and make it stronger and more elastic. They also feed your hair make return them natural shine and health.

One more good treatment for damaged and thinning hair is aromatherapy. You can ask about it in the nearest hair salon, they suggest it for strengthening hair and healing head skin. They use different seeds, herbs and berries. It actually smells very good and you also can ask a head skin massage and oil masks. The complex treatment works much better than a single procedure. But don't be over positive, because any treatment it's really long process, which takes time, efforts and money. The cheapest way to cure your hair is homemade hair treatment. All you need to prepare such treatment is a few products from your refrigerator such as eggs, olive oil, honey and etc.

What's else you can use for treating your thinning hair? I didn't mention medications before, because I'm not a follower of such resources, but they can help you in some cases. There are lots of proven to help thinning hair and hair loss treatments. It can be a medicated cream, spray, shampoo or even pills, but always ask your doctor advice before you start to use something, because such treatments are very serious ones and they totally need to be confirmed by doctor. He make a special prescription for you and work out the plan how to use this or those medication. For me is just the last thing you can do. Start with natural, organic and herbal treatment and regularly use them, it can take more then six months before you see the result, but it's much better than start to use chemical medications.

My last advice for you is creating fullness hairstyle. Before you'll got the hair treatment result, ask you hairdresser to create volume with special hair cut. It should be several layers of different length to give you a volume, but it's better to leave this work for a specialist. A good one exactly know what to do with your hair, he or she suggest you several different types for choice. Choose the best one for you and you will see the difference. Such solution hide your problem and give you a time for a solid thinning hair treatment. Start to care about yourself today and you will thank yourself in a future.

Treatment For Dry Hair

Today I'm gonna tell you about treatment for dry hair. Dry hair is one of the most common problems which have young ladies and mature women. What you need to make solve it is just to choose right treatment for dry hair. Sometimes it takes time, because you try something and it just doesn't work or it makes even worse than it was before. So any kind of treatment is a long process which takes time and you need to understand it and be ready for complex and periodic procedures. It's better to think of it beforehand and prepare yourself to keep doing to treat your hair whatever is going happen. You even can create a plan, I always do such thing if I want to complete my idea entirely. Really it's very helpful, you don't need to remember your schedule and you don't need to rearrange your plans if you accidentally remembered that you need time for treatment your dry hair today. Everything is already scheduled and you just need to follow it step by step, every day for a great result. And if you will keep treating your hair I can be sure it's going to be better and better every day. So like I said start your journey not from preparing masks or buying products, start from planning your day. It not only helps you to cure your hair, but it also helps you to understand that it's very great idea and you will see how your life will change according to new plan.

But why I have dry hair ask you. My mom doesn't have it and all my other relatives don't have such ones. What's wrong with me? There are lots of reasons that can damaged your hair. Let's look through the list. First of all take a time and look at the food that you eat every day. Yes we are what we eat. And this is very important to have a fresh and well balanced food on your plate. If you are on a diet, then it definitely can be the reason of dry hair. Your body need fat, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and finally simple water. So if you feel that not only your hair but also skin of head and hands became dry, then it's time to think of your food. If you continue your unbalanced diet it can damaged not only your hair, but all part of your organism. Be smart and think for the future. In this case best treatment for your dry hair is products which contain calcium and vitamins A, E, C. So change your diet and go for hair treatment products including these vitamins and trace elements.

Another reason of dry hair is to often coloring or bleaching, and it's actually one of the most common reason. At the first time you even don't notice that from coloring to coloring your hair become worse and worse. They become dry, fragile and split. Just stop and think does it make sense to damage your natural beauty with all these fashionable colors? Almost always natural beauty looks much more better, than fake colors and dry hair. If you still think that you just need fresh and unusual look or you need dye it because of gray hair, then don't forget to apply masks and teat your hair after each dyeing. I totally understand that it's very hard to repair natural color of gray hair, but if you start caring yourself right now, then you won't see gray hair for a long time. There are even new complex gray hair treatments which are very helpful, but I'll tell you about them in my next post. Now let's go back to our dry hair healing.

Try to avoid to use hair dryers and hot curlers very often, they are also very aggressive, much less aggressive than bleaching, but nevertheless they can easily damage your hair especially if you don't follow instructions. Like in previous paragraph I recommend to use natural and organic treatments at least once a month, and always read an instruction before using new dryer or iron.

What other things that can become a reason for dry hair. One of them is summer time. Yes, summer time is the most aggressive time for our health. It's lots of sun, salt water or chlorine water, all these things damage your skin and hair for sure. So always practice wearing a hat and always take a shower after swimming. It's not a big problem but if you need to be in the water all day or in the sun, than prepare very simple home hair treatment for dry hair. It can be olive oil mask or honey mask or sour cream mask, they all are very useful and easy to make and apply.

I also recommend you always to use conditioners, but it should be some special ones with for dry hair with deep conditioning properties. Another advice including head skin massage and evenly brushing. And finally one more great treatment for dry hair at home is olive oil mask, it's wonderful and you can make it by yourself any time, very cheap and effective.

Professional Hair Treatment

Professional hair treatment is one of the most effective and at the same time expensive way to repair your hair. You can try lots of different masks, creams and balsams, but they are all just a supporting things, which are really help you, but never replace professional hair treatment. Why ask you. The answer is very simple: you don't have appropriate ingredients and mixtures and you also don't have necessary knowledge and experience to do this. Even if you know how and what to mix, it's very dangerous to apply such treatment to your hair, because you can be wrong or forget something or leave much longer than necessary, lots of options to remember. I can only suggest you don't experiment with your health, it's very serious and the result can be in failure. Why I talking about that, because I have a story for you about one woman and her poor hair.

This is the story. Not so long ago I decided to change my style and went to a hair salon. I asked master to cut my hair and tell me about new professional hair treatments. My hair are very thin and fragile and periodically I treat them by using help of my master and professional products. The master her name is Sara told me that she attend hair classes for stylists and there is a new line of products which is awesome. I know only one thing, if Sara says that something is awesome then it's indeed really helpful. So I asked she if she tried already new line. She told an awful story about one customer who asked her to repair damaged hair. This customer is also a woman and her husband really like blonds. She always blonds her hair at home. I don't know why she does this, but for me it's very complicated process, if you want a good result. So the woman decided to bleach her hair, can you imagine this, oh it's unbelievable. She found out that there is new great bleach that makes all things snow white. She bought it and used to bleach her table-cloth, so it works great, because table-cloth became crystal-white. She liked the result and decided to do the same thing with her hair, gosh it's really horrible. Her head skin and hear were damaged actually it was terrible condition. She leave everything and ran to a salon to try save her hair. Please help me crying she. Sara asked her: “What did you do? What did you use?” She didn't answer, because she was so confused. I can't help you if you didn't tell me what did you use to get such effect. The she told Sara about everything. It was a shock, but a good master never show you that. So Sara suggested her to use a professional hair healing to get immediate result. She applied a product from new line and asked her never do this again. After the mask she blond her gentle way and made one more healing procedure. Of course it cost much more than if the woman just ask to blond her, but it was her mistake and thanks to Sara she didn't loos all her hair.

Now you can see what I'm talking about. Don't experiment with your health, make it easy ask professionals do their work.

There are lots of ways how to treat your hair professionally which help you to repair your damaged or to feed your thin hair. I'm not going to advertise them here, but you can easily find them by yourself or you can ask your master to advice you about these products. Sometimes you can find out that such treatments cost more expensive than the same ones in your local store, in this case I suggest you to consult with your salon and find out are you able to use your own products. Very often they don't mind to use products which you brought with yourself and in this case you will pay only for work. And sometimes there are situations when hair salon didn't get yet required treatment, then you definitely need to care about it and buy an appropriate one in your local shop. My master is very kind person she always gives me tons of useful tips and advices and always interests on my opinion and allows me to bring what I want with me. She also tells me which hair treatment is the best one for my type of hair, because like I said my hair are very thin and they need steady care.

I know that also there are specialists which can come to your home and make all the procedures at home, in comfortable for you situation. They are very kind and make their work really good, but it costs much more expensive, but what can be more expensive than your own health.

And last one tip, I got it from Sara if you want to have a good chevelure, then use professional hair treatment at least once a month. It totally makes a difference and you will feel positive effect at the first time.

Hair Treatment for Damaged Hair at Home

What to do with damaged hair, the best idea is a special Home Hair Treatment. It's not a secret that we are feel better and thinking better about your self if we look good, so take a care of yourself and make hair treatment. Our look is what people see when their meet us at the first time and it's very important looking great every day. And it's a real big problem of every girl and even a boy to have a mess on a head. The best and cheapest way to get perfect hair is to treat them at home.
Which hair treatment is better for home usage?

First of all there are lots of ways how to repair your damaged hair at home, but not all of them are good and safe enough for beginners. So if you are not familiar with all of these creams, masks, lotion and other products, then I suggest you to start with something very easy and simple like oil mask or organic mask or even made by yourself egg mask. All these natural treatments are very good for your chevelure and also what is very cool - you don't need to be a professional in this industry, just a little bit time every day and you will heal your hair. Of course it's not a quick process, you need to have some patience, because it's very easy to spoil and damage your beautiful hair and it's always hard and long journey healing them by yourself.

Let's start with egg mask. It's very simple and all you need is just a couple or may be a little bit more fresh chicken eggs. The number of eggs depend on your hair length for middle length you need two eggs, one spoon of honey and two spoons of olive oil. You need to mix all ingredients together in a big bowl for uniform consistence, after that apply it on your head and use a towel to wrap it around your head, it's awesome hair treatment, you can use it once a week or more often. It's natural treatment and you don't need to worry about negative consequences, everything will be fine. So keep the mask for one hour after that wash your head with shampoo and balsam.

Another good home recipe is avocado mask. To prepare that tasty one you need one ripe avocado, and again 1 spoon of honey and 2 spoons of olive oil. Mix all together you will get something that resembles a cream, apply this cream to your hair and leave for 20 minutes, after that carefully wash your head. This one is a perfect treatment for your hair.

So you can see all the advantages of home care, you actually can discuss your problems with professionals to get useful and personal advices, but if you don't have time or want to save your money, then you definitely need to try one of these tips at home. They are easy to repeat and give great results. Try don't use non organic hair treatments, because they need to be used by masters and need more knowledge from you. And one more advice, don't use cheap and not safety tasted products, because they can damaged your hair and become a big problem not only for your look but also for your health.

Don't think about the beauty as something that can be build by wigs or makeup or clothes. The beauty comes from inside us and we are happy and we are shiny and sparkling when we feel healthy and full of energy. That's why you need to think not only about hair treatment from outside, but also about feeding your body from inside. Eat healthy food, drink fresh water and do exercise to be always positive and ready for a big day. Also don't forget vitamins, they are also very helpful especially at winter time, when there are not so many fresh fruits and vegetables.

And the last one thing for this post. If you eventually get damaged your hair very bad, then don't try to repair them at home, go to good salon and ask hair stylist to help you. There are lots of different procedures which help to save your chevelure, but if all masters say you that there is nothing to do with your hair, so submit it and cut them, because they grow up again enough quickly and before that you will have a new trendy and hot haircut, that help you to bare all this difficult time.

Now you know a little bit more about hair treatment damaged hair at home, so be smart, don't do foolish things, take care of yourself and good luck.