What is the Best Hair Treatment - Part 2

Yesterday I didn't finish my post What is the Best Hair Treatment - Part 1, because it's really long story and complicated situation. You need to know lots of thing before you can choose your best hair treatment. I told you about natural dry hair remedies, vitamin banana-avocado mask, mayonnaise cream and egg mask, and today I want to continue share my favorite recipes. I'm going to tell you about such hair treatments as natural remedy for damaged hair and how to cure split ends. Lets start with damaged hair, I suppose it's the most common problem of modern people, women and men as well.

Natural homemade hair recipes for damaged hair

You discovered that your hair became fragile and wiry, these are the first two symptoms of damaged hair. The causes of it can be different, too often dyeing, bleaching, hair iron and hair dryer. All these procedures damaged your hair, but you don't notice it after the first time, except bleaching. Bleaching affect your hair and head skin, and it's enough one applying to damage your hair. All other actions affect your hair slowly but surely. And if you won't start to treat them, the result will be unpleasant very soon. But what type of hair treatment to choose? I recommend you to start with very simple homemade remedies, they are easy to prepare and apply.

Oil hair treatment

Use such method at least three times a week during two months, after that you can decrease this number. You don't need to prepare a mixture, all you need is to get olive oil or linseed-oil or burdock oil. All these liquids you can find in local store or chemist's shop, also it can be different combinations of oil and herbs. Read the label and choose the most appropriate one. Herbs are very helpful and they all make different things, they can soften head skin or return natural shine or something else. The main element is oil, it's a great source of nutrients that feed our hair making them stronger and healthier. How to oil hair properly? Take oil (it should be warm) and apply it along the full length of your hair and head skin, massage your skin, you also can use wooden comb to brush your hair, it's very helpful, because it stimulates blood circulation. Wrap your head with plastic bag and wait for 40 – 60 minutes. I actually like to leave it for a night for much better result, but in this case use a towel. Plastic bag doesn't allow your skin to breath and it's not very healthy for it. You still can use plastic bag for your locks but leave some space for your skin to breath. Next step is washing your hair, it's very oily and you need to shampoo them two or may be three times. Use soft shampoo and balsam, after that dry your hair natural way, don't use hair dryer. Now you can enjoy the results, your hair became silky and soft, they look shiny and healthy. Of course such hair treatment takes long time, but it's worth it.

There are many other methods of healing damaged hair, but this one really works and it's my favorite. You don't need to spend lots of money, just a bottle of oil and a little efforts. Next recipe helps you to treat split ends.

How to cure split ends

Split ends is one of the most common problems. You are trying to grow long healthy hair, but they just start to split and finally you have to cut them of. Now they look OK, and you try to grow them again, but split ends appear again in a couple of weeks. How to solve it, how to grow long beautiful hair? There are several methods which definitely help you. But let's start with the beginning. First of all go to hair salon and cut your hair with hot scissors, it's very common procedure which knits together your hair ends, now we have a good start to continue with. Now you can start to apply masks, massage and treat your hair actively. You can try professional hair treatments or home made one, your target is to feed them very good before Hair Lamination. Next step is lamination, but this one is not necessary, you can do it or not, but I suggest you to try it at least one time. Hair Lamination is a process of applying a special composition (micro film that protects the hair from split ends and damage) to your hair, they look shining and smooth. Hair Lamination doesn’t harm the hair in any way, so you can repeat it many times. As you can see it's very helpful, because it blocks the leak of vitamins, proteins and moisture from the hair. And last step, continue to use masks, balsams and special shampoos, treat and cure your hair, don't be lazy, you will get the perfect result. When your hair is nourished and protected from outside damage and vitamins and proteins leakage, they start to grow naturally and fast. And next time when somebody ask you how to grow long beautiful hair, you will be able to tell you own story of success.

And again this is just a small part of all the great recipes and hair treatments. I'm sure that it will be part 3 describing the best hair treatment. I still have lots of helpful methods to tell. So take care of your hair and see you next time.


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Wow ! wonderful tips, thanks for sharing with us.
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